When I originally started this blog, I intended to focus it on how the legal system specifically deals with Muslims. Thus, I looked at questions of Islamic religious observance such as headscarves and face veils, polygamy, family law issues like marriage contracts and child custody, and religious practice in prison. However, after leaving school at the completion of my paralegal studies, I've had neither the time nor the resources to do the research that this entails.
Aside from a few entries about immigration law (and links to posts I had written elsewhere about immigration law in general, not specifically related to Muslims), I pretty much let this blog die.
However, I recently was hired by Solidarity USA as a researcher and writer. Solidarity USA is a civil rights advocacy group concerned with Muslim civil rights issues.
And now that I'm actually producing legal writing related to Muslims on a regular basis, as part of my job, I've decided to create a new category on this blog and expand its focus. Inshallah, I will be posting copies of news releases and other published materials that I write for Solidarity USA.
The Niqabi Paralegal is back, inshallah!
Added 3/3: So much for that. Things have fallen through with Solidarity USA. I don't know when I'll be posting here again.